Tuesday, February 24, 2009

affirmative action

Affirmative action is a necessary tool to correct the historical sexism and racial prejudice in America. I hope we eventually will leave it behind because I can see where some find it discriminatory towards white people. As a white male, I see both sides, but feel it is the lesser of two evils.


  1. I think that it could be helpful but is not good. It is not rewarding people for hard work and effort but on gender and race.

  2. In my opinion we learn our history of racial prejudice and sexism like any other history, so we know our past and we can keep it from being repeated, not so we can do the oposite and try to undo it. America is going to be prejudice and have sexism even after we "Even out the playing field"and in the end the white male still has lost nothing. There is no pryer history of unequality from another party against the white male so, for affrimitive action to take place now especially at a time were our economy is terrible doesn't make much of a dent.

    Maybe After everything has been "corrected" and affirmitive action is gone those less qualified women and people of color will be replaced with the obviously qualified white male.

    AFfirmitive action Might even put back some sexism and prejudice into America.

  3. my take on affirmative action is that it is good for our nation. For the past hundred years the white ale has had the upper hand on everything. Now with affirmative action different races and women can have a good chance of getting a job, without having to worry about not getting it because a man is ahead of you. Thats why i feel that affirmative action is good

  4. I personally think that affirmitive action is complete bull. Someone should get a job based on their ability. If I pass in an application to work for JSI, and a black man passes in an application with less contacts less achievements and abilities and he gets the job. I'm sorry but I dont see the fairness or justice that our country was built on. Yeah, do they deserve SOMETHING for what my people did to theirs? Yeah of course they do. But should that interfere with my pursuit of happieness or my ability to provide for my family?

    I think that if we give in to affirmitive action. Who knows maybe he's right it could possibly bring racism and sexism back to America. If just because his skin is a different color than mine means that he should get the job your damn right I'm going to be pretty pissed about it.

    Affirmitive action is wrong. It's reverse discrimination. Well mr. D is hording us back to the room time to go
